I always enjoyed working in the schools and now look forward to my bi-monthly meetings with the staff at an elementary school who works with one of...
Exploring the world of toys, language development, and play!
New Books to Teach Inference to Autistic Kids
I love finding great books that can teach inference to autistic kids. The books need to share a simple story in prose (rhyming texts are great for...
Great Speech Therapy Ideas for Articulation to Autism
I've been wanting to blog about great sites that give therapy ideas for speech therapy sessions so I will begin with Heidi Kay and her PediaStaff...
Tips for Halloween with Autistic Kids
I came across this excellent article I wanted to share with my readers: "How to Take the Trick Out of Trick or Treat" Solutions for the Halloween...
Best New Apps For Speech Therapy
We all know that kids love using our iPad and iPhones--it's been called a child's new best friend. I am amazed at the ease with which a 2 year-old,...
Summer Lesson for Speech Therapy
As summer rolls in, and we are thinking about the beach, kids in speech therapy gain vocabulary and learn concepts from clever picture books about...
What’s New at Playonwords
Here is a copy of my newsletter in case you aren't on the distribution list: Happy Summer and welcome to the heat wave! Normally we talk a lot about...
Typical Peers Helpful to Children with Autism in Speech Therapy
This is part two of my blog about the advantages of having a typical peer join your speech therapy session. Yesterday I talked about the impact a...
Autistic Kids and Typical Peers for Play in Speech Therapy
It is well known that providing typical peers for play with children on the autism spectrum is helpful as they learn from models of appropriate...
Recommended TV Shows for Boys on the Autism Spectrum
Last week I was in a collaborative meeting regarding a 5 year-old boy I work with on the autism spectrum. We discussed what play topics were hot...
Conversation in Pretend Play
When parents and therapists model conversation in pretend play, kids start to imitate them and learn to take turns in conversation with their little...
Building Flexible Play with Children on the Autism Spectrum
One of the challenges of working with children on the autism spectrum is to model, encourage and teach flexible play. Children with ASD tend to get...
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